Correction, Retraction, and Editorial Expression of Concern Policy

  • All articles published by journal under PERI will receive a DOI and are permanently published. In order to maintain the integrity and the completeness of the scholarly record, we will issue corrections, retraction statements and other post-publication updates including editor’s notes and editorial expressions of concern on published content when necessary.
  • Correction of a previously-published article will be applied by republishing the article in its entirety, often to rectify an editorial or printing error in the original article. An article may be corrected for several reasons, including containing minor errors in article design, containing a small portion of an otherwise reliable publication proves to be misleading (especially because of honest error), and containing incorrect list of author/contributor list is incorrect.
  • Meanwhile, retraction will be applied by removing the publication and alerting readers that the publication contains such seriously flawed or erroneous data, hence their findings and conclusions cannot be relied upon. Unreliable data may result from honest error or from research misconduct. The main purpose of retractions is to correct the publication and ensure its integrity rather than to punish authors who misbehave.
  • An editorial expression of concern is a statement from the editors alerting readers to serious concerns affecting the integrity of the published paper. This statement will be published in the Correction and Retraction section and are bidirectionally linked to the published paper.
